[Cin] automatic save of

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 05:00:50 CET 2021

В сообщении от Sunday 07 February 2021 07:37:20 Phyllis Smith via Cin написал(а):
> To quote Andrew:
> > *... **TEST WITH CAUTION!!!!*
> >
> > So using the original patch of Andras, with the additional code from Andrew,
> + a small "hack", there is a new Autosave Backup function.
> *It would be beneficial if both Andras and Andrew could look at this code
> again *to see if it looks good because this is the first time I have had to
> make a diff git patch + I added the Preferences feature.

patch required some editing on my side, so it can be applied by 'patch'

Edited version attached. Applied with 'patch -p1'


> Notes:
> --------
> - default is NO autosave
> - change Settings->Preferences, Appearance Tab, under Dangerous to turn on
> Autosave Multiple Backups
> Why? -- because even though Andrew has limited the number of backups to 50,
> the code to delete more than that ONLY gets run when you startup
> Cinelerra. 

I think it gets run on shutdown, not startup  .....

> So if you start Cinelerra, leave the computer up and going, you 
> could conceivably have millions of backups and fill up the disk and that is
> never good.  So that is why the default is disabled -- of course, there
> still will be the new users who forget to save and will not know to enable
> the Autosave feature but they can also do an "rm" and that has no backup.
> - I did test it with Perpetual Backup also and it seemed to work
> Attached is the patch file.  To apply, cd to the cinelerra subdirectory
> (where all the .C and .h code files are) and run from a window:
>     gunzip /{location of the file}/autosave_backups.diff.gz
>     patch -p1 <  /{location of the file}/autosave_backups.diff
> And to quote Andrew again:*  ... **TEST WITH CAUTION!!!!*
> Feedback is needed.  Thanks, Phyllis

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