[Cin] CinGG AppImage

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 18:10:11 CET 2021

> The main dependence of Appimage is libc version, so
> CinelerraGG-<CinVersion>libc<LibcVersion>.<Arch> or something similar will
> be a good name.
> Is rpm, deb packages of current CinGG are available for download?

The last rpm and deb packages are still October 31, 2020.  I do not think I
will be able to figure out XEN to continue to build them all -- it was all
automated but a different partition has to be booted on the Epyc computer
to get to them and I don't have the expertise to understand it well enough
at this time.

This may change but combining all of the suggestions for the AppImage names
leads to:

CinGG-20210224-x86-64.AppImage                                       newer
CinGG-20210224-x64-64_older_distros.AppImage                older distros
32-bit with the assumption that these are all older distros if 32-bit

maybe "CinGG" should be "cinelerraGG" instead ? but at least the 5.1 is
maybe incorporate the libc version ? the problem with this is that 90% of
the users would not even know what this means.
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