[Cin] exportEDL, timecode patches

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 04:27:33 CEST 2021

On Friday, July 9, 2021, Phyllis Smith via Cin <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org>

> OK, checked into GIT, the export edl patches for CMX3600 generation.
> Andrea, if you have time, could you rebuild just to make sure everything
> compiles OK for you (and maybe try to load into another NLE to see if you
> have more success or if we just do not know how to do it.
> Andrew, you should check my work because there were a lot of patches and
> then patches to the patches, and I am easily confused.  So in the end, I
> believe I got it right.  Here is what I ended up doing:
> (1) added exportedl.c.patch,
> (2) ignored 0001-..., 0004, 0005, 0006 exportedl patches in this thread,
> (3) applied patches 0035-..., 0036, 0037, 0038, 0042, 0043.
> (4) Recompiled and tested cinelerra with a bunch of cuts and moving
> sections around to generate an Export EDL file.
> (5) Manually looked at the generated CMX3660 video file and saw that it
> "seemed" to look comparable to explanations in:
>    https://xmil.biz/EDL-X/CMX3600.pdf
> pages 11-14

I looked into patches as they appear in gitweb interface, looks like all
pieces are correct....

sorry for so many generations of those...

> Also, applied Andrew's patch (for high fps) to pluginfclient.C to match
> the other changes in ffmpeg.C.  Like I mentioned previously, I have not
> tested nor know how to test.

hm, try to load high fps video and apply ffmpeg (F_*) video plugin(s) to

> Andrew, I found the Android tablet (that has not been powered on for 3-4
> years!) and am moving on to checking out Termux.  At least I hope I can.
> Thanks for all the work you do to keep Cinelerra going. ...Phyllis

modern termux run with X on Android 7+, I hope your tablet can run such
version of android..

my current install eats like 5 gb on internal storage (but I can download
stuff with wget to one specific location at sdcard after running
termux-setup-storage inside termux (it will prompt you to give access to
sdcard graphically at first time)

see ' install X environment' part of docs

basically package management should be like Debian, just with 'pkg
search/pkg install' instead of still available apt search/install
(something to do with load-balancing on their servers) and with *-static
instead of -dev/-devel packages...



unfortunately, I still have no idea how to fix sound.... ( so whole
exercuse more about 'building CinGG on non-x86 mostly posix system while
hopefully not breaking normal x86/x86-64 builds'

> On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 11:30 AM Andrew Randrianasulu via Cin <
> cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:
>> Updated patches, this time I tried to import resulting edl into Final Cut
>> Pro for PPC Mac (mac os 9.2.2 on qemu/android 0.o) and they worked at least
>> cuts show up, and dissolves (there currently no code for handling wipes)
>> I am not sure if ^z^z tail actually harmless, you can comment writing
>> this tail in patches if unsure/want to test different NLE
>> yeah, I missed newline after FCM line, and last line in file..
>> for my surprize FCP 1.2.5 (from 1999!) uses Windows line endings (seen as
>> ^M in mcedit) - may be they were re-using dos/windows code there?
>> I simply run 'unix2dos -f' on edl file from patched CinGG and then
>> optionally set Document/creator attribs (mac-specific, under Macos 7.5.5 in
>> Basilisk2 emulator, with ResEdit app) to TEXT/KeyG (four symbols for each,
>> case-sensitive! ) - this allowed FCP to see my edl correctly, but you can
>> select 'show all files' in import->edl menu under 'file' menu item..
>> On Monday, June 21, 2021, Andrew Randrianasulu <randrianasulu at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I think I enabled _writing_ timecode info into rendered files (tested
>>> mxf)
>>> if you set timecode for your timeline manually - it should be respected.
>>> If you render selection of your timeline  - timecode will be set at
>>> start timecode of your render position.
>>> if you render selection with already altered (via clapping icon)
>>> timeline - it also should work.
>>> I found you (sometimes?) need to hit 'align timecodes' menu item for
>>> refreshing asset timecode info.... but such action will mes up timeline if
>>> some assets had no real timecode info....
>>> Anyway, try to test those patches and told us how useful (or dangerous?)
>>> they are...
>>> In theory I think this is good idea to get embedded timecodes into
>>> rendered files (rel. to your working timeline) , but may be you sometimes
>>> want zeroed tc in output files?
>>> --
>> Cin mailing list
>> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
>> https://lists.cinelerra-gg.org/mailman/listinfo/cin
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