[Cin] Fade black flash

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 00:48:09 CET 2021

Honestly, I never see a flash and I have tried several variations based on
your description with the "fade in text parameter" being the easiest.  I
did do a recording of it and planned to show that but the recording does
not do a precise capture job so you can not tell it is working correctly.
There was no flash when playing at normal speed and then I tried single
stepping and still no flash.

I will try attaching a screenshot of how to set this up easily with the
hopes that you can try that.  Basically, I just created about 3 seconds of
nothing and added a Title plugin making sure to set the Fade parameter on
the Title menu to 3.0 seconds (I use the reset button first to make sure
there are no leftover weird settings).

On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 8:22 AM Camille Harang via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> Hi Sam, thanks for your reply, yes the fade line works, however it's not
> suitable for what I want to do, I want to fade many snippets of text and
> transparent PNGs on the same track, with always the same video transition
> filter set to the same duration. Otherwise it's too complicated to combine
> them on two tracks and adjust manually the fade curve for each. I posted
> the example of fade in text parameter as it's simpler than transition do
> explain, but it produces the same "black flash" bug.
> Thank you,
> Camille.
> Le 08/03/2021 à 13:55, Sam via Cin a écrit :
> Hi Camille,
> Could it be that you used a transition to fade in the text? I think that
> might be the reason. I would try fading in and out of text using the fade
> line instead of a "normal" transition. Using the "Window" menu and then
> "Show Overlays" will open a new window. The fifth option "Fade" should be
> activated, so you can see the fade line in the timeline, with this you can
> fade in and out. You only have to set a keyframe and drag the line up or
> down, this changes the visibility of the text. This variant should be more
> suitable in my opinion. Maybe you can try it, I'm curious if it helps.
> Sam
> Am 08.03.21 um 04:42 schrieb Phyllis Smith via Cin:
> Camille,
> I do not know what the problem is or how to fix it and viewing the video
> on my phone is not working.
> Hopefully, Andrea can look at this tomorrow and maybe he knows if it can
> be worked around or if it is a bug.  ...Phyllis
> On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 1:47 PM Camille Harang via Cin <
> cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:
>> Hello, when I put a fade in the title video effect (here the white
>> "Hello" text https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJLj0w6NUSo) you can see
>> that letters appears as a black flash briefly in the first few frames,
>> then goes back to transparent, then the fade starts normally with the
>> white color. Does anyone know how to fix this? I have the same problem
>> when using transparent PNG images with fade video transitions, first
>> black, then normal transparency.
>> Thank you very much,
>> Bests,
>> Camille.
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