[Cin] Doubt

MatN mnieuw at zap.a2000.nl
Mon Mar 15 10:14:28 CET 2021

@Andrea, thanks, I did not know about these.
From reading the Xming site, it looks like it is a X server for Windows built with MinGW. So it implements the X-server (=client) side part of X-windows. Is it not intended to use Linux programs remotely with the output on the Windows machine? The Xlaunch site also seem to assume WSL2 run Ubuntu, so you use Ubunto to run the programs, and Xming to display the output. In that setup it might work, but is a very large footprint to run an 80 MB program...

Running CinGG on Windows requires much of CygWin (20 G according to the CinGG manual, cannot test it as I don't have Windows anywhere). In total, it could well be bigger than the Ubuntu solution, but neither seems an efficient solution.

And neither an efficient use of test and developer resources..


On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 23:26:06 +0100
Andrea paz via Cin <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> From reading some Blogs I seem to understand that, with WSL, you have
> to use XLaunch (which is part of Xming) to start the application. I
> wonder if it works with CinGG's AppImage.
> Learn more about Xming/XLaunch:
> http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/
> A tutorial:
> https://dev.to/egoist/running-linux-gui-programs-in-wsl2-29j3

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