[Cin] Short list of what is currently being worked on here

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue May 11 00:57:49 CEST 2021

Just a short update list of what i know to be currently active and in order
of priority:

1) Continued testing/documentation of Georgy's *alt/h "Help"*
implementation (has been checked into GIT). Andrea has been keeping the
documentation up to date.
2) Testing of Andrew's fix of *Memory leak* that DeJay discovered and I had
commented out to get past it temporarily (I am having trouble with my tests
because I deleted the case that I was using that easily displayed the issue
so that I could tell that it is now fixed).  But this is important to get
the correction in.
3) *FFmpeg 4.4 upgrade* with Andrea and me testing what we can and Andrew
providing the "real work" with patches/how-to/etc.
4) A "freelancer" has been tasked with working on BT #559 - the *fade/flash
bug* when using alpha in the Title Plugin and Dissolve Transition.  It is
not clear if this person is up to the challenge.
5) *Histogram plugin* changes from HV 7.3 to include the option *for seeing
Luma onl*y besides Color (I am struggling with this because the differences
between HV and GG are becoming so diverse, that I do not think I will be
able to sort it out).
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