[Cin] AppImage and Desktop Integration with an app launcher

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue May 11 19:08:51 CEST 2021


> Maybe this has already been discussed or mentioned, but I wanted to keep
> the previous style CinGG package desktop integration with an app
> launcher icon. To add this I used the "alacarte" Menu editor for Gnome
> and utilized the previous installed icon /usr/share/pixmap/cinx.svg.
Thanks for passing this information along.  We do have the following in the
manual, but if I remember to do so, I will add your suggestion method also.

or create a convenient desktop icon with a link to the run action:
1. right-click on the appimage file
2. Properties
3. Application Tab
4. Command:

5. OK

Maybe this has already been discussed or mentioned, but I wanted to keep
> the previous style CinGG package desktop integration with an app
> launcher icon. To add this I used the "alacarte" Menu editor for Gnome
> and utilized the previous installed icon /usr/share/pixmap/cinx.svg.
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