[Cin] About FFVideoStream::probe

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Mon May 24 05:39:48 CEST 2021


> try this patch?
> Thanks for the patch - I should have known the fix went into ffmpeg.C
instead of fileffmpeg.C.  Sorry for getting it wrong.

BUT, the bad news is that the patch + uncommenting the ff->video_probe(1);
line in fileffmpeg.C does not solve the
use of extra memory.  It seemed like it might have though.  I finally found
a definitive test case and this time saved it
so I could find it again.

Bummer.  Since I often make mistakes, I ran it several times and verified
that I correctly had the lines right.  The
results were consistent -- as soon as I uncommented "ff->video_probe(1); in
fileffmpeg.C" whether or not the patch
to ffmpeg.C was in, the memory usage went up about 18%.

> On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 10:09 PM Andrew Randrianasulu via Cin <
>> cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:
>>> I think I spotted my error, resulting in memory leak..
>>> Try to add
>>> av_frame_free(&frame);
>>> Just before return ret; line.. { line 1246 currently?}
>>> And after this re-enable line disabled in
>>> commit eabda9cf447580a974fd3d67a3d0a26f09aeb523
>>> ff->video_probe(1); in fileffmpeg.C
>>> And of course re-test ( i probably loaded only very small project or
>>> number of files for noticing this.. :/)
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