[Cin] About FFVideoStream::probe

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Mon May 24 18:28:21 CEST 2021


> but does this memory usage increase with each loaded clip/media, or stay
> the same? does memory actually leak (usage grow, and some memory still not
> freed after program quit)?
> 18% sounds a lot (too much for single-frame decoding i was hoping for)
> Yes, it gradually increases with each loaded clip/media.  The memory is
freed after the program quits.
I even tried this line in ffmpeg.C instead as a really wild guess:
For now, leaving the ff->video_probe(1); line commented out.  Someday we
can get back to it.
Do not worry about it -- something will pop up later.  ...Phyllis
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