[Cin] Debian 32-bit on Qemu

mnieuw at zap.a2000.nl mnieuw at zap.a2000.nl
Tue Oct 12 21:43:40 CEST 2021

@Andrea, good that you can build it now, but I was surprised you had
problems. I tried to re-create them, and it worked first time. I used
VirtualBox instead of Qemu, but for the procedure that should not make
a difference. I have documented the procedure I followed, see below.


1. Download and verify DVD for Debian 11, i386.
2. In VirtualBox, create new VM for this, 30 G dynamic disk.
  - System: 4G memory, no floppy boot, PS/2 mouse, I/O APIC enabled. 4
  - Storage: insert Debian ISO file into optical drive.
  - Audio in/out enabled.
  - USB 2 
  - Shared folders: user's Public folder.
3. Start VM, install Debian, desktop XFCE. Select external repository when asked for.
4. Reboot Debian, use root to add user to sudo group. Logout, login (pick up sudo group).
5. In Applications->System->Synaptic, remove ISO file from Repositories. From file manager, eject the ISO.
6. In terminal, do "sudo apt update", if any are upgradable do "sudo apt upgrade".
7. Determine where to keep AppImages (you need an external AppImage to
build CinGG's AppImage). It must be a directory in your PATH; one place
is /usr/bin. On some systems, ~/bin and/or ~/.local/bin will
automatically be added to the PATH is they exists during login. Create e.g. ~/bin . This works for me on Mint, not on my Debian 11 even though it should (see ~/.profile). So I add them to /usr/bin for now. If needed, logout/login to pick the new directory up.
8. In terminal, do "sudo apt install git" .

9. Create directory to receive the CinGG source in, say cinelerra5. Then
do "git clone --depth 1 "git://git.cinelerra-gg.org/goodguy/cinelerra.git" cinelerra5 " to retrieve the source. Adapt the destination directory as desired if not cinelerra5.
10. Go to cinelerra5/cinelerra5.1. Do "sudo blds/bld_prepare.sh
debian". This will install all needed development packages. (This
worked first time for me).
11. Do "cp blds/bld_appimage.sh", also copy blds/bld_static.sh. The
appimage script is not executable yet, do "chmod a+x bld_appimage.sh".
12. Edit both bld_** scripts to remove the automatic retrieval of the
latest source, which works for root only. In bld_static.sh, delete
everything above the opening '{' just before ./autogen.sh .
13. Now do "./bld_static.sh" . It should build single-user CinGG. At
the end of the build, the terminal will show the result from trying to
find the string "error:" in the log, there should be no errors. Go to
the bin directory, and do "./cin" . It should start normally. This
proves your build environment is OK.

14. Install the "linuxdeplay" AppImage. get it from
https://github.com/linuxdeploy/linuxdeploy/releases/continuous (see the bld_appimage.sh script). For 32 bit, you need the i386 AppImage. Place it in the directory you have choosen, and set it executable: "chmod a+x linuxdeploy-i386.AppImage". Test if it is in the path by going to one of your directories, and type "linuxd " followed by a tab. That will expand the full name. Hit enter, you should get some help text on the screen. If so, you are ready to build the CinGG AppImage.
15. For 32 bit systems, modify the bld_appimage.sh script to not use
"linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage" but "linuxdeploy-i386.AppImage" .
16. In directory cinelerra5.1, do "./bld_appimage.sh" . This will
basically do the same static build, but package it as AppImage; and
because the static is already build, it goes through the building step
very quickly. Then it will create the AppImage. It will appear in the
cinelerra5.1 directory as cin-....i386.AppImage .  You can now run it
as ./cin- (tab) and enter.

For VirtualBox, if you want full back-and forth between host and client
(shared directories), install the guest additions. Also, typing in a
terminal is slow sometime otherwise.

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