[Cin] Support for xml files from Premiere Pro, Da Vinci, Avid, FinalCut Pro

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 11:13:56 CEST 2021

My understanding of the situation is as follows; correct me if I'm wrong.

Pro editing programs work on interchange on two fronts: files, with
their formats and folders and bins structure, and projects, with their
formats and metadata support.
CinGG is good for exchanging files and you can also decide on a folder
structure that will make importing into other programs easier. This
functionality is common to all NLEs, from the pro's to the simple
For projects, however, things are more complicated; there are
different export structures for a project: AAF, used by Avid, of which
a smaller subset is the MXF format. This format is not an EDL format,
nor is it an XML format.
EDL is a standard interchange format, but today it is no longer used
because it is too simple and poor in features. Finally, there is the
XML format that is used by almost all NLEs (including CinGG), but each
in its own typical way of implementation. So there is incompatibility
between the xml of a program and the one used by others.
Let's move on to DaVinci Resolve: it was born as a color correction
program; to do this in computers, offices and maybe even companies
other than those that do video editing and other post-production
phases, it has developed great support for all types of files and
especially all types of projects in the various programs. Avid,
Premier Pro, and Final Cut can also import, export, and handle various
xmls, EDLs, and even AAF, but in general the simplicity and
compatibility is better going by DVR. In general the most problematic
type is xml because it's not standardized (that's what OpenTimelineIO
tries to do using mxf).
Nowadays, programs can do all phases of a workflow internally,
including post-processing, conforming and finalizing. So there is less
need for project interchange, especially in the amateur field. It's
the way DVR has taken, incorporating all the possible needs of a pro
production environment. We'll see if it succeeds (in my opinion it

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