[Cin] cinelerra HV 7.4

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 17:58:57 CEST 2021


It would be nice to be able to import these updates into CinGG (and
> also the previous "Bug fixes for running on a 4K monitor.
Not relevant because the bug fixes on a 4K monitor(of which some were also
in 7.3) are a totally different implementation.  CinGG was independently
modified to include 4K in October 2019 (BT #25 as opened by Terje).  I am
unaware of ANY bugs in our implementation and it covers the entire
Cinelerra program instead of just some places.

I "think" support of odd frame size in OpenGL may already be there, but if
not, this is a possible improvement.  Many of the OpenGL features in CinGG
were also independently implemented.

Transparency Checkerboard is a distinct possibility though.
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