[Cin] Not all blu-ray disk are the same ...

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 23:01:08 CET 2022


lists two methods one with cdrecord + internet, another one using imgburn


Here's the best way I've found:


   Determine the manufacturer code and media type of the media. On Linux, I
   used cdrecord
<http://cdrtools.sourceforge.net/private/cdrecord.html> dev=XXX
   -atip | grep -i 'manufacturer\|media type', where XXX is the code for
   the Blu-ray burner as listed by cdrecord -scanbus.

   Look up the manufacturer and media type codes at
   http://www.blu-raydisc.info/licensee-list/discmanuid-licenseelist.php .
   The table on that site identifies "recording type" (i.e. HTL or LTH) and
   also write speed from these codes.

=== quote end====

site worked when I clicked on link.

Apparently LTH should be marked due to their bad compatibility with earlier
drives, but .... reality is less stellar :(

and in imgburn


With image burning software. ImgBurn <http://www.imgburn.com/> for instance.

In Imgburn main menu just click on anything writing related. For example,
"Write image file to disc"

Now a new window pops up

Please check that you have the correct burner selected in the left hand
side, if you have more than one disc burner.

Scroll down on the right pane, and you find the info under "Recorded Mark

HTL is apparently more durable....

Terje posted link to Canadian site and I did little search on my own

(from 2016)

to be honest I newer heard about HTL vs LTH when it comes to BDs....

I found some ASUS  drive in my city, so *may be* I'll have some means to
test real disks in new year.
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