[Cin] Libaom 3.4.0

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 19:53:04 CEST 2022

Maybe by now you have already discovered the render file as you referred to

> But I saw in the ML that you've relatively recently pushed lossless VP9
> encoding, I'm yet to find if it is available in my Cinelerra that I built
> from git yesterday (and which I can't find the version of in the About
> page, but I got the git very little time before I built it. I built it from
> master branch. The tag in git is 2022-05.)
> Under "webm", there is *vp9** -alpha-lossless* that Andrew created and it
should be in your 2022-05 git as it was checked into git on 08-Mar-2022.
To me it appears to be much better quality than h264/mp4 at the expense of
file space used - about 12 times larger.
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