[Cin] Images sequence

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 11:41:12 CET 2022

> I am not sure it was designed as cross-application support? I mean, cingg can  load both TOC types, so it works...
> Are you concerned about more self-contained toc file for inter-application operability  or self-documentability reasons?
> How other apps (like Natron?) handle this?

Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking.
I tried to do a dpx render; it came with all the images and a TOC file
that doesn't have the links to the images. Then I created a second TOC
file using imagelist.sh. A TOC came up with the links to the dpx
images. This doesn't work when imported into CinGG; it's obvious
because imagelist.sh uses only jpeg images and not dpx.
So I took the first TOC and pasted in the links from the second TOC.
This TOC+ works in CinGG and Natron; it doesn't work in Kdenlive and
OpenShot (but I don't know if these programs support DPX).

I redid these steps using PNG instead of DPX and the TOC+ works in
CinGG; Natron; OpenShot but does not work in Kdenlive.

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