[Cin] Images sequence

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 22:38:06 CET 2022

Phyllis found the solution; I'm reposting her letter because lately
she's been using only the "reply" button instead of "reply to all"

"OK, the test I provided works for TIFF and I was not able to get DPX
working reliably by the time of my last email.
BUT now I know how to get it to work, at least 100% of the time for me
with DPX, and even tested on ARCH !

1) shift R - to get to render menu
2) choose ffmpeg / dpx
3) make sure render video tracks is checked
4) click on the video wrench
5) use the down arrow to select which dpx you want (YES, there is only
one, but do this anyway)
6) highlight DPX.dpx in the box and click OK (this is what makes it
work for me 100%)

Now it works.  So if you then later do a TIFF instead, you have to
make sure to do steps 5 and 6 again.

There must be some nuance bug in the code."

Now, with this trick, it always works for me without the need to paste
the links.
It works in Natron too!

Thank you all.

PS: @Andrew  I'll try your script tomorrow; it's always a valuable
addition to the manual.

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