[Cin] digging in archives

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 00:32:44 CET 2022

Update - checked into GIT Andrew's improvement for render format dvd.dvd.
Also updated the manual to include name of additional 32 shape wipes and
corrected assistcg url + moved workaround for AppImage.  So if Andrea has
time to check my wording, it would be much appreciated.

> All shapewipe are under gpl and the authors names on txt files
>  master
> i think in our version they go into plugins/shapes..?

"Added cinelerra tool that helps to customize theme."
> from year 2014..
> https://github.com/cinelerra-cv-team/cincv-exp-akirad-paolo/commit/f9f821c25a93a71d01363c1975a82ccc4cb3d70d
> i do not think we have this, do we?
> also, there might be some svg plugin imprivements in this branch -
> realtime editing, dpi settings...
Forgot to say earlier, that I do not think there will be any svg plugin
improvements in this branch (that I had spot checked) because I believe
that that is exactly what we have from year 2014.  The themes, such as
pink-lady and hulk, were added from that archive or equivalent when
initially added to CinGG.

P.S. Andrew, please continue to be on the lookout for more of these
original Cinelerra (CV or HV) that we may have missed incorporating into
CinGG.  And thank you.

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