[Cin] megapile 12 (freebsd, ffmpeg 5, dynamic build, opencv trim)

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sat May 14 19:23:01 CEST 2022

Checked into GIT netbsd patch and bld from:
Initially I panicked when I did a grep for 'diff' but today I figured it
out as all of the diffs where located in the patch so I was relieved.
Later if Andrew makes changes, probably should chmod for netbsd.bld to add
executable like the other bld scripts.

So now all that is left from Megapile_12 is:
0002-Improve-truehd-decoder-encoder-from-ffmpeg.git.patch  (wait for
further changes)
0051-HIGHLY-EXPERIMENTAL-constify-png_data.patch  (wait for knowledge)
0059-libbthread-src-copied-to-main-tree-for-Android.patch  (probably wait
for next month for these 3 so I don't make mistake)

so, current git should be mostly complete for x86 testing - remaining
> patches for termux and my draft of netbsd patches..
> Hopefully Andrea will have time to give git  a spin...
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