[Cin] possible alpha bug in processing

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Thu Nov 17 09:43:34 CET 2022

I think patch's Andrew would solve MantisBT_0000558 issue 
(https://www.cinelerra-gg.org/bugtracker/view.php?id=558) but I didn't try.
I will try next week end to make a build and doing some tests, I hope.
Meanwhile other users could test their old Project with to see if the 
patch creates other problems.
Phyllis could create a commit in GIT only for that patch so, if 
something goes wrong, we can go back easily, or at least, it is what I 


Phyllis wrote:
> Yes, seems to be a problem, but I have no idea what the repercussions 
> of the patch would be based on the following in the  release notes for 
> September 2020 which says in the Bugs/Issues fixed:
>   "Alpha is being set to 1 for background color always now – just a 
> missing thing."

Andrew wrote:
> https://git.cinelerra-gg.org/git/?p=goodguy/cinelerra.git;a=blobdiff;f=cinelerra-5.1/cinelerra/virtualvconsole.C;h=3c3fb86f5710e15954c927f358210027cb819ed1;hp=193761b6763a61d11b0b85c8edbb4ec658df2b99;hb=abdff69b9309c7d5cd2ed6ce17dd2e0d85aef9a1;hpb=0b751b07a28e84a721b2bb76083db6629aa26d73
> i tried to set alpha to 0 (zero) in virtialvconsole and suddently pngs 
> and exrs and tgas got their alpha back!

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