[Cin] Test alpha channel and reroute plugin (from Igor Vladimirsky's blog)

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Sat Oct 1 10:25:23 CEST 2022

I did some tests here (in RGBA-8bit) with Reroute, and Alpha Channel. It 
seems to work correctly. It is time consuming, for me, to post here the 
screencast/screenshot of the tests, but if you think it can be useful 
tell me.
It may be (surely) that Cin-CV and Cin-GG work slightly differently.  I 
remember that, when you are using Title effect, the black colour is 
meant to be the alpha channel (more or less).
It may be that not everything Cin-CV is able to do can be reproduced in 
Cin-GG,... and vice versa.


Il 26/09/2022 18:20, Phyllis Smith via Cin ha scritto:
> You can perform this convoluted method OR "just use a simple Outline 
> font" which can be freely downloaded.
>           Already with the default overlay
>         (Normal) the result is not exactly the same as in the
>         tutorial. For
>         example, the outline of the letters is all white while in the
>         tutorial
>         there are plays of light and shadows that make it
>         three-dimensional.
>         But the worst comes when I set the center track to "Multiply": a
>         completely wrong color comes out!
>      But I have growing suspection we really do some calculations
>     differently, may be in more widespread/standard way but not like
>     original Cin worked.
> Agreed.  CinGG does some things differently as well as calculations.  
> That does not make them wrong.
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