[Cin] Layers! (1990 demo)

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 19:44:43 CEST 2022

> I looked at compubench 1.5 benchmark (win64, sorry for me) and while some
> modern cards can composite at 300 fps not so new cards easily can drop down
> 10x


Looks like AMD Radeon wins at the top, but this is a good chart if
comparing to Nvidia boards and how much money you are willing to spend

> Cinelerra was born more as TV tool, and I guess this explains 'weird' one
> hit hotkeys.
Probably, but not sure about what are the weird one hit hotkeys.  Some may
seem weird only because they were added before someone else decided they
wanted a different key to represent something and rather than sticking with
what was already in use, they changed it.

The other 2 articles pointed out by the URLs are interesting from an
historical viewpoint and I read the beginnings of both.  They include some
humor also which makes them very readable but limited time here for reading.
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