[Cin] flac 1.4.0

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 04:16:56 CEST 2022

OK, now that both Andrea and Andrew think we should upgrade to flac 1.4.0,
I will check it into GIT in the next couple of days.  It did build on both
Ubuntu 16 and Debian 11.0 (32-bit).  The Debian initially failed on
rendering but I must have done something wrong because I could not
reproduce it.

More tests show results all over the place and some mirror what Andrea was
seeing where compression level 5 is better than level 0.  Times vary just
doing the exact same tests again on the same computer/operating system but
size consistent.  Anyway listing them here just for showing.

*x.wav file input:*
** rendered 449 frames in 0.022 secs, 20409.091 fps / Size=438488  / Flac

** rendered 449 frames in 0.019 secs, 23631.579 fps / Size=430891 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=0
** rendered 449 frames in 0.020 secs, 22450.000 fps / Size=416361 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=5
** rendered 449 frames in 0.030 secs, 14966.667 fps / Size=412751 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=8

*Ubuntu 16 *(no flac 1.3.2 comparison):
** rendered 2713 frames in 0.658 secs, 4123.100 fps / Size=11452512 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=0
** rendered 2713 frames in 0.624 secs, 4347.756 fps / Size= 9466523 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=5
** rendered 2713 frames in 1.335 secs, 2033.733 fps / Size= 9005632 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=8

*Debian 11.0 32-bit*:  (BTW: as Andrew already noted, the patches for the
GUI also worked at 1.3.2.)
** rendered 2713 frames in 0.731 secs, 3771.354 fps / Size=9276506 / Flac
1.3.2 Compression=0
** rendered 2713 frames in 0.668 secs, 4061.377 fps / Size= 9541136 / Flac
** rendered 2713 frames in 1.653 secs, 1641.258 fps / Size= 11452514 / Flac
1.3.2 Compression=8

** rendered 2713 frames in 0.601 secs, 4514.143 fps / Size=11452512 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=0
** rendered 2713 frames in 0.767 secs, 3537.386 fps / Size=11452512 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=0
** rendered 2713 frames in 0.772 secs, 3514.249 fps / Size= 9466515 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=5
** rendered 2713 frames in 1.864 secs, 1455.472 fps / Size= 9005623 / Flac
1.4.0 Compression=8

On Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 11:58 AM Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>

> > Any thoughts??
> In terms of performance it changes little to upgrade to 1.4. But being
> able to set the compression from gui and also keeping the possibility
> of further optimizations in the future make me think that it is better
> to upgrade to 1.4.
> As a default you can keep the compression at "0" and leave the
> possibility to change it if the user needs to privilege space over
> speed.
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