[Cin] Issues related to Motion Plugin

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 19:06:13 CEST 2022

A little feedback/commentary about Motion in this thread.

- Miroslav's demonstration videos of before and after Motion look pretty
good and the cell phone quality capture was surprisingly detailed.
- For those who have not been around so long, Georgy is the expert on the
Motion plugin as he did a major rewrite that solved many issues a few years
ago.  So any hints and information he provides is very beneficial.
- Demo that Georgy referred to is the file (if it does not play for you,
just download it and play then):
  This demo uses Motion51 since it was created before Georgy greatly
improved Motion.  Motion51 works a little differently than does the heavily
modify original Motion.

On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 12:04 AM Miroslav Rovis via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> Reusing what I wrote in late last night's thread.
> On 220924-23:31+0200, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> > I've been using VP9 (previously VP8) webm a lot. E.g. anywhere
> > you go from:
> > https://www.croatiafidelis.hr/2022/
> > or, to take just one sample (4 minutes):
> >
> https://www.croatiafidelis.hr/2022/Jazovka/VID-2022-06-22-1034-Jazovka-procesija.webm
> > It's nothing but motion plugin set up, blur plugin in the
> > bottom video at 100%, and go render. Then work the audio
> > separately, mux and post. Of course, the stabilizing is slow,
> > motion plugin takes long to calculate.
> >
> > But all those people moving can be scrutinized in a lot of
> > detail, as if I filmed with a mobile phone attached to a good
> > stabilizer, and instead, the original was a shaky video as
> > ever, because I held the mobile with just my hand.
> >
> > Cinelerra can stabilize you videos well. It's worth the
> > time-expensive learning curve to get to know how to do it.
> >
> > Here are some comparison videos with both the shaky and
> > stabilized video (however I've gotten better since then, these
> > are all old, but I have no other comparisons)
> >
> > e.g. from:
> > https://www.croatiafidelis.hr/2019/
> > the videos e.g.:
> >
> https://www.croatiafidelis.hr/2019/Jaska/190824-Jaska-Vukovic-demo-1-stabilize.webm
> > or from:
> > https://www.croatiafidelis.hr/2015/Macelj/Macelj-2-cmp.php
> > the video being:
> > https://www.croatiafidelis.hr/2015/Macelj/150607-Macelj-HebrangCOMP.webm
> But the above do not sufficienlty well demonstrate how well
> Cinelerra can stabilize shaky videos.
> I think I have a better example that I hope I can offer.
> But I plan to make it both a demonstration of this capability
> and a tutorial so other users can benefit from it, on the one
> hand.
> And on the other, I want to show the issues that come across in
> Motion Plugin usage.
> I can say what it is right now, but that's dry and no way
> immediately plausible. Here:
> The fist issue:
> When using Motion Plugin, a last-used setting (previusly used,
> even in a different video) is written in the new XML along with
> the newly setup numbers for a particular part of a video to
> which Motion Plugin Effect is attached. And it sometimes messes
> up the XML, and rendering does not get what the user put in.
> The second issue:
> And, sometimes, there appear to be problems with some Cinelerra
> cache somewhere so bad that tweaking the Motion Plugin settings,
> while written correctly in the new XML, do not actually apply.
> The rendering gets the user the earlier tweaked result no matter
> the new editing.
> While I am not certain I can, within the time that I can set
> appart for this, show how to reproduce the second issue, I
> believe I can show the first issue within, hopefully this day
> today.
> I want to do it along with demonstrating a very good motion
> stabilization on not-too difficult parts of a 1m 30s video that
> otherwise would be almost bad for viewing.
> I plan to post it, God permittign, at:
> https://croatiafidelis.hr/foss/cap/cap-220925-cinelerra/
> where, at the time of writing this, there is only the short
> video:
> VID_20220910_133415_5.mp4 [*]
> that I want to use for this
> demonstration/tutorial/bug-report all-in-one.
> Regards!
> ----
> [*] The timestamp in VID_20220910_133415_5.mp4 is for 2022-09-10
> 13:34:15, the start of my filming, but that's part 5, which I
> obtained with cutting the VID_20220910_133415.mp4 with mkvmerge.
> It's and event that the media exanded for a few days on, an,
> thankfully innocuous standoff with Croatian police... I want to
> show how good reporting can be done with simple cheap mobile
> phone camera, made good only after motion stabilization.
> I mean, look at that video, it's so shaky because I walked and
> even talked and waved (well, that's not seen) at people...
> Stabilization is absolutely necessary.
> This is what you should get (SHA256 of the video):
> 8ae65c8b17b3d607020c392323fa5ab8569bd40083648d808602a0dfffc8f1f9
> VID_20220910_133415_5.mp4
> --
> Miroslav Rovis
> Zagreb, Croatia
> https://www.CroatiaFidelis.hr
> my PGP-key:
> https://www.croatiafidelis.hr/FCF13245ED247DCE443855B7EA9884884FBAF0AE.asc
> --
> Cin mailing list
> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
> https://lists.cinelerra-gg.org/mailman/listinfo/cin
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