[Cin] Current heap of patches

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 04:24:42 CEST 2023

> To be honest I hope libtiff build patches, ffmpeg-5.1.patch999 and ffmpeg
> filters build fix for new ffmpeg will find their way in, because they fix
> build breakage on Andrea's updated Arch.
The compile for these patches works but I have not done any testing yet.
Since Andrea has tested successfully, I still would feel more comfortable
if I could also.

> My "early quit from filetiff/filetga/filepng" patches might wait for more
> testing (notably I hope they does not leak file descriptors or such, I only
> tested on short, less than minute video).
> On further plans ... May be if ffmpeg 6.1 fails to materialize in first
> half of september we will go with 6.0, preparing new plugin info and such?
> So far ffmpeg.git was  not worse than 5.1 for me but seeking in mkv might
> be different (it was different in MPlayer).
> Other updates might include x265 git (aarch64 stuff, build warning with
> new nasm fixed), libjpeg-turbo 3.0.0/3.0.1, libtiff 4.5.1, removal of
> openjpeg (ffmpeg.git removed support for it, and we does not use it
> directly), adding lcms2 lib so ffmpeg can use it ...
> Also, I wonder if optipng run over our icons (or even pngquant, at least
> on those we have svg source for) might be useful? Standard set of icons
> weight nearly 8mb and stuffed directly into executable ....
> But this is just reminder about ideas I have, my vision and visual taste
> not good enough for saying definitively about icon quality before/after.
> Will comment on the rest of this later.
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