[Cin] also, libaom 3.8.0 was released

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sun Dec 17 14:46:39 CET 2023

вс, 17 дек. 2023 г., 16:13 Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>:

> I tried to compile CinGG with your patches. I had problems applying
> the opencv one

Most likely because it already upstream in our git ?

and the x265 one however, by passing the paths
> manually, I think I was able to apply them (apologies, apparently my
> brain refuses to understand how patches work).

was "git am" failing for some reason? You always can inspect patches
visually (say with "less patch.diff") and see if they from git or plain
patches ....

The compilation however
> fails immediately, I think with an error about x265. I attach the
> cin5.log

/bin/bash: riga 1: cd: x265*: File o directory non esistente

are you sure you have both x265-17122023.tar.xz in thirdparty/src and it
also correctly named in configure.ac (in case patching failed)  AND your
run ./autogen.sh ?
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