[Cin] python3.12 venv

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 01:38:19 CET 2023

> Was looking for a way to set python3.12 for system or specific project.
> found this gist for Ubuntu under WSL2
> https://gist.github.com/4sskick/19f071f0b454849b03c31d753527d86a
> But I hope last four  lines are universal:
> { cd to cinelerra-gg's source root where autogen.sh is first, I think }
> For some reason Fedora 38 does not recognize 3.12 (python --version still
says 3.11) so I can not really apply this.
However, Fedora 39 is now available and it has python 3.12 as default.
Since this is an experimental partition, I will attempt this tomorrow when
my brain is in better shape.
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