[Cin] AOM 3.8, again

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 10:11:30 CET 2023

> try to delete first "l" ... so it become "pkg-config --cflags SvtAv1Enc"

I did several tests with system libaom and with Intel svt. One thing
for sure is that when I tried to compile with svt I always got
crashes. I don't know if it depends on the fact that I don't have
Intel hardware. I attach cin5_aom_svt.log as an example, it was
produced using the following libaom.sh:

export FFMPEG_EXTRA_CFG="--disable-debug --enable-libaom --enable-lSvtAv1Enc" \
 export EXTRA_LIBS="-laom -SvtAv1Enc "
./configure --with-single-user --with-config-dir=/home/paz/.bcast6

Trying to use system libaom (without svt) the compilation succeeds.
Renders are comparable to those obtained with patch 3.8.0 for internal
ffmpeg. The results however are very variable: efficient with image
sequences, slower with video.
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