[Cin] AOM 3.8, again

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sun Dec 31 02:01:19 CET 2023

вс, 31 дек. 2023 г., 03:38 Phyllis Smith <phylsmith2017 at gmail.com>:

> Despite the fact that libaom v3.8.0 does not build on Ubuntu 16, I have
> tested it on 5 different levels of operating systems and found no issues
> AND you all have been testing it A LOT !  For Ubuntu 16 and earlier cmake
> versions the --enable-libaom=no added to the bld.sh configure line allows
> for CinGG to build without libaom.  So the user who does their own builds
> can either (1) update cmake, (2) build libaom v3.4.0 by changing
> configure.ac AND deleting libaom parts in ./thirdparty/src, or (3) build
> without it as --enable-libaom-no on the bld.sh configure line.
> Any objections to checking libaom v3.8.0 into GIT for wide usage?  Andrew,
> what about TERMUX?

Few days ago it was working, I might need another tweak for static termux
bld script due to always rolling nature of Termux but I think I'll deal
with it on my end (and send patches).

> I have compiled with both aom 3.8 and aom 3.6 patches without errors.
>>> The rendering test results are:
>>> aom 3.4: 34 fps
>>> aom 3.6: 39 fps
>>> aom 3.8: 48 fps
>>> The speed increase is noticeable.
>>> The videos result visually of the same quality. aom 3.4 and 3.6 give
>>> files of equal size while aom 3.8 gives a slightly smaller file.
>> Thanks. So, according to this upgrade to 3.8 is more desirable than just
>> to 3.6. Not sure if keeping both versions (one perfixed with _ underscore)
>> in src actually good idea size-wide? Hopefully if ppl can get cingg from
>> internet for self-build they also can get libaom and flip the switch in
>> configure.ac ? So may be just keeping prefixed patches for both versions
>> and having  line in BUILDING explainin configure.ac edit (well, we do
>> not have BUILDING yet as txt file in our root, but hopefully this can be
>> fixed easily by copypasting manual section on this ?)
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