[Cin] patches 09 feb 2022

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 02:17:45 CET 2023

>> Tested with no result with auto all fits on Fedora 32 only and planning
>> on testing next on Fedora 37:
>>    0010-TMP-add-flto-to-cinelerra-Makefile.patch
>> How do I test this?:
>>    0011-EXPERIMENTAL-try-to-init-two-variables-to-0-in-gloat.patch
> well, in theory (I hoped) 0010 should trigger crash on "auto fit autos"
> and 0011 should fix it. But because it does not crash for me on termux and
> I not tested it on desktop Slackware yet ... whole thing might be moving in
> wrong direction.
> Thanks for the explanation.  I have booted Fedora 37 (because that is
where it crashed for Jin) and built it using 0010 with the added flto
flag.  It still does not crash.    I no longer have Fedora 36 available and
am not planning on getting it back.  Without being able to reproduce the
crash, it really is practically impossible to fix.  I suspect you already
looked at their reported compilation flags, but I will try some of their
more weird ones if I can figure out how (like -Werror=format-security)
which must be like how you added -flto.  Stay tuned.
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