[Cin] Natron, background render and MantisBT #635

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 16:43:28 CET 2023

I am writing in the mailing list because today I cannot post on
MantisBT. However, we had gone OT from the original request.

Your idea of how to do the Natron/CinGG interaction is also mine,
otherwise you fall back to rendering to go to another program and then
again rendering to go back to CinGG.

There is imagelist.sh
but I could not get it to work. Other solutions found on the net also
do not work for me. Sorry, my inability...

Natron (Write node) overwrites the imported images, keeping their
exact name (which is the frame number) and path. These are read by
CinGG: until a new background render starts, on the Compositor window
we see the frames altered in Natron. However, this sequence of images
applies only to the timeline view: if we add filters or do a final
render of the project, the original source is used and not the frames
altered in Natron.

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