[Cin] Capturing DV/HDV via Firewire

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 16:54:49 CET 2023

вс, 19 февр. 2023 г., 18:43 Terje J. Hanssen <terjejhanssen at gmail.com>:

> Den 19.02.2023 16:28, skrev Andrew Randrianasulu:
> вс, 19 февр. 2023 г., 18:25 Terje J. Hanssen via Cin <
> cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org>:
>> IEE 1394 / FireWire (Apple) / i.LINK (Sony) has been a standard
>> connection to transfer native DV and HDV video files to Lin/Win/Apple
>> computers.
>>    - FireWire DV/HDV recording should still work via dvgrab, vlc,
>>    guvcview, OBS and ffmpeg etc., or directly via some NLE systems.
>>    - The basic dvgrab tool is still valid on Linux and was mentioned in
>>    the Cin-CV wiki sect. 19.2
>>    - http://cinelerra-cv.wikidot.com/cincv-manual-en:capturing-media#5
>>    - ffmpeg enabled FireWire DV/HDV input device using libiec61883
>>    (Streamcopy) seems also interesting.
>> On my Leap 15.4 or Tumbleweed, ffmpeg-5 is seemingly not compiled with
>> --enable-libiec61883.
>> Is possibly ffmpeg available with enabled libiec61883 via Cin-GG?
>> http://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-devices.html#iec61883
>> http://underpop.online.fr/f/ffmpeg/help/iec61883.htm.gz
>> I had a look into the Cin-GG manual chpt 13 "Capturing and Recording
>> Media", but could not see Firewire media transfer was mentioned.  However,
>> in the Appendice section B.2 Configuration Features, Optional Packages is
>> found:
>> --with-firewire       use firewire (auto)
>> --with-dv                use dv (auto)
>> Does this mean that Firewire/dv capture already is supported or optional
>> can be configured?
> it was not tested in ages .....
> guess try to install all -dev version of libraries and look at output of
> cingg's configure .... then connect device and try to set capture device to
> iec* ....
> I guess that's not just for me ;) but will try dvgrab again (tested it
> once several years ago), when my camcorder is back from service.
> The reason is my 10 years old FireWire based DV/HDV recorder seemingly is
> dead.

well, you can look if appimage version of cingg was compiled with those
libraries, but I am guessing (from bug
https://www.cinelerra-gg.org/bugtracker/view.php?id=590 ) you might run
into troubles trying to record exactly HDV stream - because it is not DV
video, but mpeg2. There is code in DVB input module for dealing with this,
but it probably must be wired to DV /firewire module, or something like
this should be used in ffmpeg.C for pre-decoding compressed buffer:


>> Other NLE references, Premiere Pro and Vegas respectively
>> https://helpx.adobe.com/no/premiere-pro/using/capturing-dv-or-hdv-video.html
>> https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/support/article/capturing-video-from-a-sony-camcorder--222/
>> Terje J.  H
>> --
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>> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
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