[Cin] Rendering 57min of material takes over 12 hours

Stefan de Konink stefan at konink.de
Mon Jan 30 11:16:03 CET 2023


I am currently trying to render a feature which is 57min in duration. I 
noticed that cinelerra in this project has an enormous problem rendering 
two video's stacked on top of eachother. There is (as far as I am aware of) 
no compositing intended, no projector movement, top track should have 
priority over lower tracks.

Even the compositing window is unable to achieve any smooth framerate on 
these pieces, unless I disable either ones of the track. The framerate 
achieved is less than 1 fps.

Even when all plugins are disabled, it looks like there is some composition 
in running. When I manually mute all sections where there is a B-roll, 
performance is regained. Could someone try this with some D3200 content 
stacked on top of eachother?

If it would help I am happy to create some projects 'as bugs' for 

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