[Cin] CinGG/NLE comparison

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 16 20:50:07 CEST 2023

Andrea, more thorough reading of workflow_05 feedback.

PLAYBACK section:
The following statement reads funny to me, but maybe that is just me as I
am confused by the "Count on"
"Count on "multimedia cache" and, if possible, hardware acceleration of

?? should "with rotbrush" be "rotobrush" ??
(rotbrush is split into rot- on 1 line and brush on the next)

EFFECTS section:
There should be a space after the comma at the spot "Cut and Paste mode,via"

MULTICAM section:
Because I do not know how Multicam works in PP, it is difficult for me to
make a correlation in CinGG.  But I think, the CinGG part in this section
should differeniate between "timecode synchronization" and actual "mixers"
as they are very different in presentation, but not so much in execution.
However, since there are 2 different manual referenced spots in that
the user will most likely figure it out.

TITLER section:
I do not know if this is true or not, but Stefan "implied" that other NLEs
have "powerpoint-like" capability with the Titler.  If PP does have this,
perhaps adding a line to the PP portion like "There are several features
that are similar to how powerpoint works."  -- ONLY IF this really is a

"prevalantly" should be spelled "prevalently"

And, of course, delete the Author line at the beginning if you want to.

On Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 8:59 AM Andrea paz via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> I added Phyllip's cues and fixed some sentences. I introduced
> "comments" where I made changes, so they are better identifiable (not
> visible in pdf).
> I am not convinced by what was written in the "effects" section. In
> short, it would be better to rewrite it with more detail and accuracy.
> Suggestions? @IgorBeg You have already helped me with these topics,
> could you correct my description?
> The description I made in the Multicam section does not satisfy me.
> Suggestions for writing it better? @Stefan You had already mentioned
> the multican; is it possible for you to correct and improve my
> writing?
> I would prefer not to put the author, but see how it looks best to you.
> --
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> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
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