[Cin] ffmpeg 7.0 api changes

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 20:23:01 CEST 2024

Andrea, thank you for this list.  Results are a little strange.  I have a
local modified version of ffmpeg/plugin.opts to comment out aap and fsync
which were giving errors on a fresh startup with ffmpeg 7.0.  Also
commented out tiltandshift which as you noted gives an error message -- but
does something anyway.  I tried varying parameter values to see if there
was something that would not generate the Resource Temporarily Unavailable
error message but there doesn't seem to be one.

I saw that in this edition there are few filters. In CinGG there is
> only "tiltandshift" filter; it does not give error but it does not
> work. In the terminal I have only the message:
> "resource temporarily unavaible"
> Of the other filters, there is no trace. These are:
> aap
> qrencode
> quirc
> fsync
> showinfo bitstream
> dnn
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