[Cin] LV2 with Python 3.12 patches

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 20:49:48 CET 2024

Checked into GIT minimum patches for LV2 so that CinGG builds on newest
Python 3.12 which deleted "imp" since that had been deprecated  for a long
time.  For some reason, 3 of the LV2 sources already accommodated the
deletion, lilv, serd, and lv2, so once I figured that out, I  propagated
the same source into patches for suil, sord, and sratom.  So now it builds
on Fedora 39 and can soon close BT 648.

In the last 2 weeks, I also tried to upgrade the 6 LV2 files to the latest
version just before switched from cmake to meson, and it seemed to work OK
on Fedora 39 but not on the older systems that were not running Python 3.12.

Below Andrea reported that with AppImage, the graphical Calf LV2 plugins do
not work.  I logged BT #652 for this and it seems that there could be a
solution to check to see if CinGG is being started from an AppImage and
then take appropriate action.  However, another LV2 plugin with a graphical
UI seems to work from AppImage - i.e. drowaudio-flanger.lv2.

On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 6:33 AM Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>

> Arch has python 3.11.6
> Build OK, LV2 plugins work without any problems.
> With an appimage without patches, all LV2 plugins tried do not work
> and give errors.
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