[Cin] Ghosts from the shell!

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 21:34:45 CET 2024

чт, 22 февр. 2024 г., 22:24 Phyllis Smith <phylsmith2017 at gmail.com>:

> small video describing how it worked in  cinelerra-cv 1.2.1 using old
>> dynebolic 1.4 iso
> In checking the above, I ended up clicking on:
> http://cinelerra-cv.wikidot.com/cincvdocs:docs-start
> I do not comprehend what the point of providing links to obvious
> documentation for Cin*GG *without including the CinGG manual in full?
> Like the documents by RafaMar and Magyar (Hungarian).

I think main idea for this specific video was to highlight that manual (for
both cv and gg versions) got out of sync with real behavior, since probably
cincv 1.2.3 version inclusive. I can't say much about wiki because I rarely
visit it .....

> I wonder how "long" must be long distance? offscreen? tried this, also
>> with enlarged projector range .... no two boxes! I can't even see this
>> behavior in cincv 2.3.* from 2017, but may be I am doing it wrong for all
>> versions?
>> I finally tried it on a couple of older versions and could never get any
> extra boxes so obviously you were not doing anything wrong.  The second box
> is also documented in the original HV manual - Secrets of Cinelerra (2009
> version).  Portions of the CinGG manual were obtained from that manual when
> I was at a total loss which was quite frequent.
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