[Cin] Ghosts from the shell!

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 20:24:32 CET 2024

> small video describing how it worked in  cinelerra-cv 1.2.1 using old
> dynebolic 1.4 iso

In checking the above, I ended up clicking on:
I do not comprehend what the point of providing links to obvious
documentation for Cin*GG *without including the CinGG manual in full? Like
the documents by RafaMar and Magyar (Hungarian).

I wonder how "long" must be long distance? offscreen? tried this, also with
> enlarged projector range .... no two boxes! I can't even see this behavior
> in cincv 2.3.* from 2017, but may be I am doing it wrong for all versions?
> I finally tried it on a couple of older versions and could never get any
extra boxes so obviously you were not doing anything wrong.  The second box
is also documented in the original HV manual - Secrets of Cinelerra (2009
version).  Portions of the CinGG manual were obtained from that manual when
I was at a total loss which was quite frequent.
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