[Cin] How to identify if a running CinGG is the Regular or Multibit version?

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 01:02:00 CEST 2024

Catching up on this thread with some trivial commentary on my part.

I looked into which pixel formats current ffmpeg-7 encoders in question do
> support as follows:  "QUOTE from Terje"
The "pixel formats" that CinGG supports with whatever ffmpeg version is
currently being used, is shown in the Render Menu when you click on the
Video wrench.  There is a box labeled "Pixels" and when you click on the
down arrow next to the box, it displays all of the supported formats so you
do not have to reference the ffmpeg documentation externally.

So we keep the 8-bit because it is more efficient (1 word vs 2 words)? Are
> there other reasons? Wouldn't it be less confusing to just have the
> multibit?  "QUOTE from Andrea"
As long as we have the capability to support older operating systems,
smaller computers, 32-bit, and older cameras, there does not seem to be any
reason to eliminate the non-multibit version.  Now there is still a choice
and there may be reasons to not just have the multibit version from what I
read based on the multibit taking more CPU (I have not tested this).  It
does not seem confusing to me -- probably newer users with newer systems
will automatically pick the multibit version.

less work for both developers and users "QUOTE from Terje"
Because I sometimes do multiple builds in a single session, the extra time
it takes to compile the multibit version is detrimental for me.  On the
other hand, creating a single AppImage multibit version of the generally
newer operating system is only done by me once a month or less and no work
at all.  BTW, the
CinGG-20240630-x86_64-older-distros-multibit.AppImage    was just a request
from a Red Hat user (like Fedora) who wanted Intel graphics capability that
I just happened to have set up. I am not sure if it is much used.  And I do
not see any additional work needed by users -- they should just pick that
single multibit version.

It would also be useful with an updated list over supported formats, codecs
> and bit-rates, based on CinGG's internal ffmpeg engine. Some codecs like
> Cineform is not mentioned in the current manual. "QUOTE Terje"

Accuracy and being up to date on ffmpeg documentation is really best done
by their team.  Those using AppImage may not have ffmpeg actually installed
on their computer, but all of the ffmpeg documentation is readily available
on the internet.  Duplication is not a good idea as it may not get updated.

CineformHD is only mentioned in the "Overview on Formats and Codecs"
> appendix "QUOTE Andrea"
There is an index entry in the Manual of "codec".  Maybe adding "Overview
on Formats and Codecs" could be another index?
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