[Cin] New release update

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 09:57:35 CEST 2024

вт, 16 июл. 2024 г., 10:42 Igor BEGHETTO via Cin <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org

> I am making a Cin_20240630 build by myself for the OS
> UbuntuStudio_16.04_LTS_64bit.
> I read in the MailingLists thanks to Phyllis and Andrew_R, I need to use
> specific instruction.
> My usual steps were:
> 1) cd to "cinelerra-5.1" directory
> 2) make clean
> 3) ./autogen.sh
> 4) ./configure --with-single-user --without-shuttle-usb \
>                --without-vaapi --without-vdpau \
>                --disable-dav1d \
> 5) make 2>&1 | tee log
> 6) grep "\*\*\*.*error" -ai log
>    ( Check for obvious build errors )
> 7) make install
> From What I understand, with Cin_20240630 the steps are:
> 1) cd to "cinelerra-5.1" directory
> 2) make clean
> 3) export FFMPEG_EXTRA_CFG="--disable-decoder=vvc"
>      ( before running autogen.sh / configure / make )
> 4) patch -p1 < alt_shortcuts.patch
>      ( to use standard shortcuts )
> 5) ./autogen.sh
> 6) ./configure --with-single-user --without-shuttle-usb \
>                --without-vaapi --without-vdpau \
>                --disable-dav1d \
>                --enable-libaom=no
>      ( "--enable-libaom=no" added, without double quote )
> 7) make 2>&1 | tee log
> 8) grep "\*\*\*.*error" -ai log
>    ( Check for obvious build errors )
> 9) make install

I think --disable-libaom should work, too?

You also can see if libva/libvdpau truely not buildable by installing their
-dev packages and removing --without-vaapi/vdpau switches from configure
(of course their usability depend on graphics hardware and drivers)

> I am ignorant in Linux, so I would like to understand if the instruction
>   *export FFMPEG_EXTRA_CFG="--disable-decoder=vvc"*
> write something in somewhere or not.

it passed to internal ffmpeg's configure script, so you can look into
thirdparty/ffmpeg-7.0/ffbuild (if I remember correctly) and read big log
there, after build process come to it. You also can try to install new
(2.15?) nasm and see if vvc decoder new in ffmpeg 7.0 still errors out.

> Because my Operating System is UbuntuStudio_16.04, is there a way to build
> Cinelerra-GG using an old FFMPEG and/or libaom?

how old, exactly? Right now it should be buildable with ffmpeg6.x/7.0
(tested), I also removed buildability with ffmpeg-4.4 because I had some
crashes during ff_* filter tests on my 32bit Slackware. ffmpeg 5.x not
tested ...

Could you drive me to make that, if possible (and it has sense) and easy
> for a simply User like me, please? Thanks!
> IgorBeg
> --
> Cin mailing list
> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
> https://lists.cinelerra-gg.org/mailman/listinfo/cin
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