[Cin] New release update

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Wed Jul 17 09:12:30 CEST 2024

Il 16/07/2024 09:57, Andrew Randrianasulu ha scritto:
> вт, 16 июл. 2024 г., 10:42 Igor BEGHETTO via Cin 
> <cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org <mailto:cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org>>:
>     I am making a Cin_20240630 build by myself for the OS
>     UbuntuStudio_16.04_LTS_64bit.
>     I read in the MailingLists thanks to Phyllis and Andrew_R, I need
>     to use specific instruction.
>     From What I understand, with Cin_20240630 the steps are:
>     1) cd to "cinelerra-5.1" directory
>     2) make clean
>     3) export FFMPEG_EXTRA_CFG="--disable-decoder=vvc"
>          ( before running autogen.sh / configure / make )
>     4) patch -p1 < alt_shortcuts.patch
>          ( to use standard shortcuts )
>     5) ./autogen.sh
>     6) ./configure --with-single-user --without-shuttle-usb \
>                    --without-vaapi --without-vdpau \
>                    --disable-dav1d \
>                    --enable-libaom=no
>          ( "--enable-libaom=no" added, without double quote )
>     7) make 2>&1 | tee log
>     8) grep "\*\*\*.*error" -ai log
>        ( Check for obvious build errors )
>     9) make install
> I think --disable-libaom should work, too?
I will try this week end. Thanks!
>     I am ignorant in Linux, so I would like to understand if the
>     instruction
>     *export FFMPEG_EXTRA_CFG="--disable-decoder=vvc"*
>     write something in somewhere or not.
> it passed to internal ffmpeg's configure script, so you can look into 
> thirdparty/ffmpeg-7.0/ffbuild (if I remember correctly) and read big 
> log there, after build process come to it.
Thank you, Andrea_R! I found it where you indicated.
But I don't understand, how *export* instruction knows where to go,... 
how does it know the path where to write that parameter?
Sorry, It is a stupid question, here, but I would like to understand.
>     Because my Operating System is UbuntuStudio_16.04, is there a way
>     to build Cinelerra-GG using an old FFMPEG and/or libaom?
> how old, exactly? Right now it should be buildable with ffmpeg6.x/7.0 
> (tested), I also removed buildability with ffmpeg-4.4 because I had 
> some crashes during ff_* filter tests on my 32bit Slackware. ffmpeg 
> 5.x not tested ...
I am thinking to FFMPEG-4.3 and libaom-v3.4.0. But, maybe it doesn't 
make sense.
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