[Cin] AOM SVT-AV1 2.1 Released

Terje J. Hanssen terjejhanssen at gmail.com
Wed May 29 17:47:05 CEST 2024

According to Phoronix the Alliance of Open Media project quietly 
released (the Intel based) SVT-AV1 v2.1 last week.
With this new SVT-AV1 release are yet more performance optimizations and 
The M0, M3, M5, and M6 presets are seeing 12~40% speed-ups while 
maintaining similar quality levels to prior releases.
The compression efficiency of presets M11 to M13 meanwhile have improved 
by 1~2%.
New SVT-AV1 benchmarks soon.

Meanwhile, I have updated my previous tests using ffmpeg-7 and 
libSvtAv1Enc2 version 2.0 on openSUSE Slowroll below.
The results are about the same speed +/- compared as my earlier tests 
using ffmpeg-6 and SVT-AV1 encoder version 1.7

(Else I have purchased the hardware components to upgrade and rebuild my 
workstations for a planned AV1 QSV/hw video transcoding:
mobo, Intel cpu and gpu, memory, ssd, cooler. More about this later. But 
first I have to finish my ongoing DVD Video project).

    S  | Name                  | Type    | Version            | Arch   |
    i+ | ffmpeg-7              | package | 7.0-1699.3.pm.3    | x86_64 |
    i  | kernel-firmware-intel | package | 20240510-1.1       | noarch |
    i  | libdav1d7             | package | 1.4.1-1.1          | x86_64 |
    i  | libdrm_intel1         | package | 2.4.120-1.3        | x86_64 |
    i+ | libheif-dav1d         | package | 1.17.6-1699.5.pm.5 | x86_64 |
    i+ | libheif-ffmpeg        | package | 1.17.6-1699.5.pm.5 | x86_64 |
    i+ | libheif-rav1e         | package | 1.17.6-1699.5.pm.5 | x86_64 |
    i  | librav1e0_6           | package | 0.6.6-1.3          | x86_64 |
    i  | libSvtAv1Enc2         | package | 2.0.0-1.1          | x86_64 |

    ffmpeg -hide_banner -codecs | grep av1
      DEV.L. av1                  Alliance for Open Media AV1 (decoders:
    libdav1d libaom-av1 av1 av1_cuvid av1_qsv)
             (encoders: libaom-av1 librav1e libsvtav1 av1_nvenc av1_qsv
    av1_amf av1_vaapi)
      DEAIL. wmav1                Windows Media Audio 1

    ffmpeg -i dv01_07.dv -c:v libsvtav1 -preset 8 -crf 35 -c:a libvorbis
    frame= 2832 fps= 74 q=35.0 Lsize=   28699KiB time=00:01:53.24
    bitrate=2076.1kbits/s speed=2.98x

    ffmpeg -i dv01_07.dv -c:v libsvtav1 -preset 10 -crf 35 -c:a
    libvorbis dv01_07_svt-av1_pr10.webm
    frame= 2832 fps= 84 q=35.0 Lsize=   29876KiB time=00:01:53.24
    bitrate=2161.3kbits/s speed=3.37x

    ffmpeg -i dv01_07.dv -c:v libsvtav1 -preset 12 -crf 35 -c:a
    libvorbis dv01_07_svt-av1_pr12.webm
    frame= 2832 fps=244 q=35.0 Lsize=   32887KiB time=00:01:53.24
    bitrate=2379.1kbits/s speed=9.77x

    ffmpeg -i hdv01_04.m2t -c:v libsvtav1 -preset 10 -crf 35 -c:a
    libvorbis hdv01_04_m2t_svt-av1_pr10.webm
    frame=16420 fps= 62 q=34.0 Lsize=  373769KiB time=00:10:57.16
    bitrate=4659.3kbits/s speed=2.47x

    du -sh *
    389M    dv01_07.dv
    30M  dv01_07_svt-av1_pr10.webm
    33M  dv01_07_svt-av1_pr12.webm
    29M  dv01_07_svt-av1_pr8.webm

    2.0G    hdv01_04.m2t
    366M  hdv01_04_m2t_svt-av1_pr10.webm 

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