[Cin] Ripple, Rolling, Slip tools in the new version

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Tue Feb 19 18:04:21 CET 2019

Phyllis, thanks for that. I must excuse with you, Phyllis and GG, and 
Pierre. Now I understood what doesn't work.
The Ripple tool works right but the Labels, Autos, Plugin and keyframes 
not follow edit (the difference between the old version December and the 
new February). I have done a great mistake. Sorry.

For the Slip tool you are right about switch the brain (mmh, poor my 
only neuron); however in the old version I marked with the label a 
reference point that now it is not more sense.
Of course, as always, the base idea is: It have to be useful to more 
people than one person (me).

Don't worry, I will test all the new version (and the builds you make 
for me and Ubuntu16 users). The problem, as always, is the 4th dimension 
(the time).

Il 19/02/2019 17.06, Phyllis Smith ha scritto:
> IgorB:
> When I test the old December and the new February for *Ripple*, I 
> still see the same exact results but I struggle with testing these.  I 
> will continue to test today until I get better at understanding your 
> examples (or my "Peter Falk, Columbo, Italian" fingers get tired).
> As for *Slip*, the results are the same /except /you have to switch 
> your brain as the left and right are the opposite of the December 
> method -- that is because the code is attempting to use consistent 
> code for all.
> Will provide an update later to see if there is some bug that gg is 
> missing, but he believes that the current methodology is the best 
> compromise.  We would not be happy if you have to continue to use 
> December's release because we appreciate your testing.  gg/Phyllis
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