[Cin] Ripple, Rolling, Slip tools in the new version

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 21:57:36 CET 2019


I have to show gg a case that is wrong with moving Labels/Effects and I
think *I have found one in Ripple* (often times he disproves my theory
though).  So if I have 3 edits with 2 labels and an effect in the middle
edit, using the left drag handle on the left side of that middle edit, and
when I drag either right or left, the labels and effect do not correctly
move (with Edit labels checked in Settings, of course).  The right drag
handle works OK for me.  GG will work on the bad case.

But *with Slip, I find no problems *in any case of labels and effects.  In
contrast, the December method seems to incorrectly handle labels/effects no
matter which way I drag.  gg/phyllis

 Now I understood what doesn't work.
The Ripple tool works right but the Labels, Autos, Plugin and keyframes not
> follow edit (the difference between the old version December and the new
> February)
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