[Cin] CinGG manual to Latex

Спицын Андрей spitsyn.andrey at gmail.com
Wed May 8 23:53:19 CEST 2019

Hi Andrea,

>Now how to submit it to your review?

The simple way it's just to mail me tex and images files.
But it's not convenient in long term usage.

The better way is use git. It designed to exchange only a changes
between files, so it's suite perfectly for your internet speed. 

To use git you should:
1. Create private and public ssh keys (if didn't do that).
Run ssh-keygen in terminal. It will create files is_rsa and id_rsa.pub
in ~/.ssh/ folder. It's up to you add password protection to key or not.
Passwordless key is less secure, but more convenient.

2. Register at github.com and add your public key (id_rsa.pub) in that
page https://github.com/settings/keys

3. Fork my repo (https://github.com/einhander/cin-manual-latex) by
clicking "Fork" button.

4. Clone your own fork of repo to a local folder ( git clone git at github.com:YOUR_NAME/cin-manual-latex.git)

5. Add your changes in your local repo.

6. Add new files to git repo ( git add FILENAME), repeat this step for
all new files. 

7. Commit your modifications to a local repo ( git commit -a -m "Brief info about changes")

8. Push local changes into your github repo ( git push)

9. Repeat step 6 and 7 then needed. And step 8 to share your changes to
your github repo.

It's a brief instruction how to use git.

In github you can propose pull request to my repo by clicking new pull request in
my repo. Or just write me then you are done and I create pull request.

I'm not so experienced git user, but I'll try to answer your questions
about git.

>- How do you make the width of the caption coincide with the width of
>the figure? (see figure 3.1).

Use \captionsetup{width=YOUR_WIDTH} inside figure enviroment before
caption to adjust caption width.

>- Page 67. The second paragraph, "color model", is preceded by an
>empty line and I do not understand why. This does not happen with the
>other paragraphs.

I need a chapter file to investigate this.

>Note: in the attributes.odt file, fig 3.2 had text on its left. I
>tried to do it with \begin{wrapfigure}, but I didn't like the result.
>So I went back to the usual way.

It's up to you, to choose the best look))

Wed, May 08, 2019 at 03:51:25PM +0200, Andrea paz написал:
>@Phyllis. I think it is best not to waste time converting all images
>into high quality png. It's a job you can do as you convert chapters
>to Latex.
>@einhander. I have finished chapter 4 of the manual (3, in the
>conversion to Latex). Now how to submit it to your review? I'm not
>familiar with git or other systems, I'd need detailed explanations. A
>big problem is my internet connection which uploads no more than
>~50KB/s. For a few tens of MB it takes me a whole day.
>Now for a few questions:
>- How do you make the width of the caption coincide with the width of
>the figure? (see figure 3.1).
>- Page 67. The second paragraph, "color model", is preceded by an
>empty line and I do not understand why. This does not happen with the
>other paragraphs.
>Note: in the attributes.odt file, fig 3.2 had text on its left. I
>tried to do it with \begin{wrapfigure}, but I didn't like the result.
>So I went back to the usual way.
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>Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org

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