[Cin] French translation update

Olivier Humbert trebmuh at tuxfamily.org
Mon May 27 03:16:57 CEST 2019

Hi people and everyone.

Please, find attached an update for the French translation of Cin.
It is based on the cin_5.1.20190430-src.tgz version.

This updates contains :
- translates most of the new translations
- fixes most of the "fuzzy" translations
- a few improvements/fixes/corrections

I would be glad if this update could get in for the next monthly release 
(to happen in few following days I guess), and then after that, I could 
start to do a whole review of the French translation (which is in need 
of that).


Note that to do this (attached) translation, I did those steps:

1. extracted the tarball
2. edited po/xlat.sh and added "--from-code utf-8" to the xgettext line 
(see [1] below)
3. ran: po/xlat.sh > po/cin.po (my understanding is that this command 
updated the general "cin.po" catalog)
4. ran: msgmerge -U po/fr.po po/cin.po (my understanding is that this 
command updated the French "fr.po" translation file from the general 
"cin.po" catalog)
5. translates the po/fr.po

It would be great if the knowledgeable people (ping the usual suspects 
here: Phyllis & GG!) could tell me if this workflow is fine.

I hope that helps.


[1] without this edit, the step n°3 was throwing an error at me. It 
might be useful to add this change in the source I guess.

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