[Cin] French translation update

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue May 28 01:12:41 CEST 2019


Please, find attached an update for the French translation of Cin.
> It is based on the cin_5.1.20190430-src.tgz version.
Thank you.  I did an "mgdiff" on it and it looks like you did a lot of
work!  I used it with Cinelerra successfully.  Later we will make a Mint 18
test build to include this so Pierre can check it out.

> I would be glad if this update could get in for the next monthly release
> (to happen in few following days I guess), and then after that, I could
> start to do a whole review of the French translation (which is in need
> of that).
It will go into this month's build for sure.  I did not check the steps you
followed yet but since it worked, it must be right and I have time to check
it yet.

> 2. edited po/xlat.sh and added "--from-code utf-8" to the xgettext line
> (see [1] below)
> [1] without this edit, the step n°3 was throwing an error at me. It
> might be useful to add this change in the source I guess.
GG has quickly looked at this and says "good spot" - he will fix that.

The po files are quite big so if you want to send email to the mailing list
so everyone knows about the update without the po file and just send the
actual file directly to me, that would be just fine.  gg/Phyllis
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