[Cin] LV2_blacklist.txt & Debian packaging improvements contributions

Olivier Humbert trebmuh at tuxfamily.org
Wed May 29 20:53:51 CEST 2019

Le 2019-05-29 20:12, Phyllis Smith a écrit :
> Olivier:  still have a lot of issues that need addressing but GG found
> an OpenGL error with masking that is driving him crazy.

Seems important!

>  A little bit of feedback:
>>> HOWEVER, I do not understand the last 5 URL lines. None of them
>>> worked for me and I am confused as to why they were included.
>> I'm unsure what you mean here while writing they didn't worked ?
>> I'm assuming you're meaning that you tried to enter the url in a
>> browser.
> Duh... is on me!!  I never could understand why the LV2 gurus put http
> for the file name.

AFAIK, it is not compulsory to use http as an identifier, but most of 
the LV2 devs are doing this way, because the URL used is usually 
pointing to online documentation.

>  I will fix lv2_blacklist.txt with these 5 added.
> Because they showed up as blue links in my gmail email, I clicked on
> them and they looked different than the other LV2 plugins so I got
> confused.

OK. Good.

>> I don't want to be looking arrogant enough to consider myself as a
>> "debian packaging expert", but just letting you know that I've got
>>> 200
>> debian packages that I'm working on for my LibraZiK-2 project, plus
>> I'm
>> contributing to a few Debian packages in the official Debian repo
>> where/when I can.
> I would have to call you an expert for sure.

Please, don't since it would put too much pressure on my shoulders!

> Still looking at figuring out the need for Inkscape, fs2progs, and
> linux-firmware definitively.

OK. I'll wait quietly till you get time to check all of that and come 
back to me.
No hurry from my side that being said. Just trying to contribute some 
little thing I can do to the project.

> And the strangeness of Standards-Version needing to be changed monthly
> -- it would be much more convenient if he did not have to change it.



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