[Cin] some problems - batch rendering warnings and opening project error, steps to have cinelerraGG officially in Gentoo

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 23:49:17 CEST 2019

Deim:   today, gg finally had a chance to look at:   deim_broken_edl.tar.xz

However, we are both having trouble with terminology and neither of us can
see the problem.  Sometimes he can see from the EDL an obvious error but
unfortunately with more than 8,000 lines in the EDL, nothing jumps out as a

*What is a "part" as you use in describing your method below? *I am not
sure we are going to be able to reproduce this error and if we can not,
then will not be able to fix anything.  Phyllis/GG

I had problems also with this method of work:
> - load assets for part of video
> - cut everything for this part on timeline
> - save project
> - repeat for each part
> Then I loaded all saved parts to project as resources - it loaded saved
> parts as clips and all assets to resources. Then I pasted clips on
> timeline of final video and made final cut. Then I saved final project.
> Closed Cinelerra then I was unable to reopen saved project - it only
> showed one of clips on timeline :-(
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