[Cin] Big library upgrades checked in -- hoping someone can build as a check

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 20:46:09 CET 2020

"preset high" doesn't seem to be a legal parameter (sorry for
suggesting it); it always gives me rendering error. Maybe it is better
to use the quality parameter instead (qp=24, it should be good).
Many rendering options give errors or a video without images comes
out. It is a normal thing to have to calibrate every single render
according to the parameters we need and they work for us. I'll try to
do more tests because it would be good to start with default
parameters that always work.
Otherwise I didn't see any other problems, but I'm not a good tester.
The first time I started CinGG I had problems with resizing the
windows, the content remained fixed and the edges cut off the window.
But after a reboot the problem never came up again.
OpenEDL keeps crashing, but in the Arch forum they told me that it
depends on CPU microcode (AMD Ryzen 3700x).
As for Cuda, I still can't compile it out. I've seen that
--enable-cuda-sdk is deprecated in favor of --enable-cuda-nvcc.
But it still doesn't work for me.

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