[Cin] Big library upgrades checked in -- hoping someone can build as a check

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 29 23:18:50 CET 2020

Andrea: Thanks for the manual updates - I was secretly hoping you would do
this !

I certainly was unaware that "cuda" was a pixel format but when doing
"ffmpeg -pix_fmts" it shows up.  No idea what it does.  When we get back to
cuda/driver upgrade, I will have gg try it.  That could be fun.

The new "Format" button of the Render window as seen under the Video wrench
shows "private" options that can be passed to an underlying muxer.  When
you click on the Format button, you also have to click on the subsequent
"view" button that popups to see them and like the view option in the
Preset menu, when you highlight one of them, a yellow tooltip shows up in
the lower right hand corner with 1 line of information if available. I
believe most can be used on the ffmpeg command line if you ran from a
window.  For example, one of these for mp4 is "moov_size" and that is
effective.  If you look at section 21.18.1 in
http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html   these are the ones you will see for
mp4.   Or for mp3 of that url in section 5.3 as:

        "For example to write an ID3v2.3 header instead of a default
ID3v2.4 to an MP3 file, use the id3v2_version private option of the MP3

In other words, these muxer/private options are all over the place to try
and learn about them.

This should be documented in the manual (so I don't have to try to figure
it out when I forget!)

On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 6:49 AM Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>

> 1- Mandelbrot plugin: thanks, it works well. I put your five points in
> the manual, see if you like it. I append Plugin.tex and Tips.tex
> I don't think it's a good idea to waste time on Cuda either; after
> all, it's only for two secondary plugins. Out of curiosity, I noticed
> that among the pixel_formats that one can choose in the rendering
> window, in particular for h264/5-nvenc.mp4 codecs, besides the various
> 420p, ... there is also a "cuda". What does that mean? How does it
> work? (it gave me a rendering error!)
> 2- I don't know the new "Format" parameters of the rendering/Wrench
> window. Where can I learn more about them? Are they metadata?
> --
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